Enjoy This Relaxing DIY Epsom Salt Foot Soak with Essential Oils

Wow! This past week has been really busy and really exhausting. If you’ve had the same kind of week, you’ve got to try this easy, DIY Epsom salt foot soak with essential oils to relax, moisturize, and nourish!!
Benefits of Magnesium
Magnesium is one of those absolutely necessary minerals for hundreds of functions of the body. Whether we’re talking about detoxification, muscle soreness and cramps, sleep, insulin sensitivity, bone building, anxiety and stress relief, energy production and cell function, brain function, heart function…you get my point. Magnesium is a major player, and, unfortunately, a major portion of the population is walking around deficient.
A few great sources that you might like to check out if you decide to dive deeply into health relating to magnesium include Dr. David Perlmutter, Dr. Mark Hyman, and Dr. David Jockers to name a few.
You can typically find a few varieties of Epsom salts at your local grocery or pharmacy, which usually has Magnesium Sulfate as the base. Magnesium is usually bound to something else, and that something else will vary in absorbability and useful benefits. For this reason be aware that some can also cause loose bowel movements.
Epsom Salt-Magnesium Flakes
Magnesium Chloride is another option that I recently saw at a local grocery just yesterday and can also be ordered online. I most often purchase Ancient Minerals Magnesium Flakes.
And if this becomes one of your favorite relaxation activities, definitely check out the 8 pound bag that you can get through Amazon Prime Subscribe & Save!
Ordering my supply online saves me hauling it to the car and then into the house. I first heard about this brand over at www.wellnessmama.com and am really glad we decided to give it a try.
“Magnesium plays a key role in more than 300 of the body’s biochemical reactions. Because the mineral can affect so many things that women associate with day-to-day drains and aging, they get used to living with the symptoms” – Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
Essential Oils
I usually add 4 drops of essential oils to add an aromatic component that can also fill the room wherever you are, and add to the potential for a relaxing evening for the whole family as you enjoy time together and a good night’s sleep.
Did I mention that magnesium can help you relax and sleep?
My preferred essential oils for this wonderfully pampering self-care time are:
- Lavender
- Cedarwood
- Bergamot
- Vetiver
- Roman Chamomile
- Frankincense
Don’t forget you can also blend a few drops from your favorite essential oils to get a little more creative.
Since absorption through your skin is a big piece of this process, be sure to consider purity when choosing your essential oils. A few brands you might want to check out are (in no particular order) are:
Each one of these links lead you to one single example of that item, so be sure to look around while there.
“It is an antidote to stress, the most powerful relaxation mineral available, and it can help improve your sleep.” Dr. Mark Hyman
Time to Relax
When we started, we were using a container that came from a hospital visit a long time ago, but it didn’t actually fit everybody’s feet in our house. We eventually found this bigger and handled foot spa bucket where feet fit fantastically. The height keeps splashes contained (unless you decide to have a dance party), it’s easy to carry, and quick to clean.

A relaxing indulgence that can support sleep, stress management, muscle pain relief and more.
- 2 Scoops Magnesium
- 2 Gallons Comfortably warm water (Fills recommended bucket about 1/2 way)
- 4 Drops Relaxing essential oil (Such as Lavender)
Set your container on the floor to enable you to sit comfortably with your feet immersed for about 20 minutes. Be sure to set a towel nearby to dry your feet once done.
Put your Magnesium salts/flakes into a container big enough for both of your feet.
Add warm water deep enough to cover your feet and low enough to avoid splashes onto your floor and safe for you to carry.
Add your essential oil drops of choice. We usually prefer lavender.
Remove socks, shoes, etc. and place them in the comfortably warm water to soak until cooled (or about 20 minutes).
- Be sure to check with your doctor, if you are under care for a health challenge.
- The scoop for the magnesium we use comes in the container and holds just under 1/4 cup.
- You might find it easier to wear shorts or loose sweats that can be easily rolled up.
- Be sure to consider using this for a nice bath.
- Be sure to have a towel handy to dry off when done.
Epsom Salt Foot Soak With Essential Oils for A Little Pampering
You can definitely adapt this to a stress-relieving bath too. It’s always nice to pamper yourself. We just find foot soaks to be a bit more accommodating to our schedules and family activities, since set-up takes only a few minutes, and your soothing soak can go wherever you want.
My husband is a weekend warrior, and always plans time for a foot soak at the end of the day to help combat leg cramps, backaches and all the other aches and pains that come with his projects of the day. I also usually add a foot soak when my stress level is high, even sometimes in the midst of the day while I’m working at my desk.
But definitely consider an evening epsom salt foot soak with essential oils for an easy and enjoyable transition into a good sleep too.
Whatever you choose, enjoy a soothing soak after a long day of strenuous physical activity, or when you just want to take just a few moments to really release some of the stress, this just might be the way to squeeze some pampering into your busy day.
And for some related reading, check out these posts: