Of Gratitude and Encouragement

There’s much going on in the world today, that if we let it, can consume our time and cause us to lose sight of the many blessings in our lives. For this reason, consider this a post of gratitude and encouragement; a long list of many, many blessings to rejuvenate you and to fill you will peace, joy, and hope.
Start With A Breath
As my pastor suggested in church this morning, start by taking a moment to breathe in a deep, lung-filling breath. Realize and appreciate the air that you were just able to breathe in and out, the lungs that took in the air, and the benefits you receive from breathing that air.
Go ahead. Breathe in another breath.
You and I, we didn’t do anything to earn that air or those lungs. We have a great Creator that gave us lungs and air, along with these amazing bodies that use that air to keep us alive.
What beautiful gifts that you and I have both been given.
Celebrate Your Opportunities to be Grateful and Encouraged
There’s Sooo much to celebrate every day, so much that can lift us up, but they can be easily missed in the busy-ness and distractions of life. So to encourage you, here are a few gifts to celebrate:
- vision to see the beauty around you
- transportation to get you around
- birds singing
- ability to walk
- convenient gas stations
- colors to fill your day with beauty
- a fresh, ripe tomato
- comfortable clothes
- a convenient and clean bathroom
- earthworms that loosen and nourish the soil
- catching someone being kind
- sunglasses while enjoying sunshine
- hips to hold up your pants
- devotion of a dog
- special memories with your mom
- an inspiring friend
- rustling sounds of trees in the wind
- a blessing in the midst of health challenges
- the crisp, freshness of an apple
- laughter with friends and family
- lightening bugs on a beautiful night
- fun discussions at the dinner table
- a hug
- discovered strength in the midst of illness
- a spouse you can truly love and respect
- traffic lights
- growing connectedness in the heart of a spouse
- an inspirational conversation with an elderly neighbor
- the simple ability to talk
- uplifting music
- the friendship of someone you know is struggling
- weeds that grow even in difficult spaces
- the usefulness and intricateness of hands
- a kindness shown to you by a stranger
- clean water to drink
- comfortable shoes
- the care of others
- warmth on your skin from the sunshine
- a wave from a driver on the road
- a word of encouragement received
- friendships
- the smell of a beautiful flower or herb
- home
- silence
- bees, butterflies, and wasps that pollinate
- the beautiful face of an aging parent
- a nice bath or shower
- the sound of a baby laughing
This list can keep on growing and growing, and I’m sure you can probably come up with even more opportunities for gratefulness and encouragement that are unique to you and your day.
Eyes to See
There’s just so much we are each surrounded by, have experienced, or are in the midst of that can fill us with gratefulness and encourage us to smile.
But you have to have eyes to see the blessings around you.
Don’t miss them, because of the busy-ness or the challenges that you might be facing. Don’t rush through your day, always thinking about what’s next on your list, and miss seeing the blessings of your life. Pay attention to the gifts in your every day.
Live your life in the midst of seeing the blessings of your life and be encouraged.
My Gratitude and Encouragement
It’s time for another deep, life-filling breath.
Pause for just a moment and let me say…
I’m so grateful you stopped for a moment to read this post, and I hope you have a beautiful day filled with many blessings, big and small.
Remember to look up to your Creator for your hope and future. And remember to pause and really be in the midst of gratitude and encouragement for all the blessings in your life and around you.

Thank you for bringing a level of calmness very much missing lately. God bless.