5 Tips for Developing Strong Health Habits for When Challenges Come

I recently read a follower’s comment sharing that her biggest struggle is trying to stay on track and not feeling like she had to defend her choices when people smirked at her… and that it takes time when developing strong health habits that won’t be affected by other’s choices.
I agree with her comment 100%. She reminds me of similar experiences that others have shared, as well as some of my own.
It can be disheartening when you are faced with those that dampen your enthusiasm, dedication, or even call out your research or experience as false, even when you practically hand them the data on a silver platter or stand before them as a healthier you because of your changes.
Maybe you’ve already had a few of those experiences.
The Reality of Readiness
The fact is, we each have a different journey. Our health is impacted by:
- our genetics, but also
- our unique history and experiences
- the combination and accumulation from exposures and choices
Additionally, someone can be at a different place of awareness and readiness for change such as:
- not ready or making connections
- ready but fighting the realities and connections they are discovering and holding fast to what they’re used to doing
- ready, making connections and changes but then faltering, losing momentum, or being drawn away from their health goals and their healthier future
- ready, making connections, and realizing the impact of making healthy choices and their true power for their future
While not totally the same, it often reminds me of Jesus’ parable of the sower of seeds in Matthew 13:1-23
Developing Strong Health Habits
Help yourself stay on track with smart strategies to protect your health and your journey. Choose to:
- Decide to continue to learn and grow
- Connect with others on a similar journey for encouragement, information including objective input (presented respectfully), and more
- Prepare a plan for a variety of possible responses when negativity comes
- Respectfully plant helpful seeds for those awakening
- Recognize and enjoy your progress and journey and thrive
Choose to Live Your Best Life
Sometimes it can be hard to hold fast to your goals and remember your achievements when someone, particularly someone close to you, is choosing to diminish your healthy growth, but don’t lose heart. Keep learning and growing and moving forward. Build friendships and a wealth of knowledge and skills along the way to help you in developing strong health habits that can make the more challenging times easier and optimize your day-to-day and your future.